Subair Enitan, a student of Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-ife, Osun state has embarked on a journey to win Guinness World Record by attempting a 50-hour hand Wash-a-thon. She had informed the GWR in June 2023 of her intentions and was given November 24 to embark on her attempt.

The 200-level Linguistics and African Languages student has the support of the school’s Students’ Union leadership which set the venue of the longest hand-washing exercise at the school campus in Ile-Ife on Friday with students and staff of the institution cheering her on.

Professor Yomi Daramola, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration), visited Enitan to register the school management support to show concern.

The DVC Admin among other students defied the heavy downpour on Sunday afternoon to show up at the venue where Enitan is breaking the Guinness World Record.He cheered her and commended the record attempt.

Prof Daramola said the Vice Chancellor sent him down to encourage Enitan and sent her warm wishes. He further added that Enitan would make the university very proud.

Before she officially started washing clothes, she expressed optimism that she would finish strong as the title holder of the longest hand-washing hours.

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