Adebayo Shittu, the former minister of communication, claims that during President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration, Steven Oronsaye’s report was not given to him.

From 2015 to 2019, Shittu served as a minister during President Buhari’s first term.He said that there was no need for implementation because the Buhari administration had not been made aware of the report.

He declared, “The report was with Jonathan’s previous government, but they took no action. During my tenure, no one brought it to the notice of the Buhari government. Therefore, there was absolutely no discussion of the matter at the Federal Executive Council meeting. In the event that no one brought it and no complaints were received, we had no reason to investigate at all.

Since the Federal Government approved the implementation of some of the report’s recommendations to lower the cost of governance on February 26, roughly 12 years after it was submitted, the report has been the subject of controversy.

Nineteen government agencies are anticipated to combine, and eight parastatals will become part of eight additional agencies.

Some Nigerians worry that this could result in job losses.Tommy Etim, the national president of the Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria, had issued a warning that widespread protests may result from job losses amid the nation’s current hardships.

Femi Falana, a senior advocate in Nigeria, urged the Federal Government to make sure that “the crisis of insecurity is not compounded through the retrenchment of hundreds of thousands of workers,” calling the report out of date.Concurrently, the Federal Government established the implementation committee on Thursday.

Speaking on the subject, Shittu stated that civil servants should not worry about losing their jobs and that, as the number of appointees declines, only politicians would be impacted.”Duplication of services should be avoided or eliminated as it would raise the expense of governance.

He emphasized, “I think that national interest is more important than personal interest when we talk about some people losing their jobs, and I do not see any civil servant losing his job on that.

“Speaking on the subject as well, Senior Advocate of Nigeria Yusuf Ali stated that putting Oronsaye’s report into practice would lessen the unduly intricate management of government ministries, departments, and agencies. Inter-agency rivalry is one of the things you will discover, according to Ali.

It occurs practically everywhere, even in the United States. If the report is faithfully implemented, at least the issue of rivalry and overlapping responsibilities will be resolved.Due to the fact that it will grow larger, it might not have an impact on the staff.

Additionally, it will result in a smaller, more capable government that can better handle bureaucracy.

People will not be ignored just because you are combining A and B. It simply indicates that more people will be occupying the same area for work.

“What will you say, in reference to the loss of jobs, regarding the introduction of robotics and artificial intelligence? Shall we predict job losses and a lack of investment in robotics such as drones and artificial intelligence (AI)? Anything that will advance things should be attempted to be adopted.

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